Pilot (12/?)
Kara reviewed what she had been able to bring from the Schadenfreude. She'd thrown the parachute and its harness into the flaming wreckage of the ship, just to be safe. She had her ray gun, and thankfully, plenty of energy for it. That wasn't always a luxury she was afforded. But besides that, she had a little fuel money on hand - she really had meant to pay, until a certain rat had been stupid enough to ruin her day - as well as a knife, but otherwise very little to her name.
On second thought, maybe it was good that the cash had stayed with her. Now she could do a little planning.
A wall of vendors lined the streets, but Kara knew that somewhere behind them would be a pay phone. That was one piece of technology that hadnt quite died out yet, and the cash she had on her was barely enough to make a call.
She pushed her way off of the streets, and it wasn't long before she found what she was looking for. The booth stood in front of a bank. Kara was pretty sure that was a bad omen, but she had a phone call to conduct.
There was someone inside already. A greasy-looking cob in overalls slouched against the side of the booth, looking increasingly frustrated. Kara herself was getting impatient - the longer she stood still, the easier it was to find her. Finally the sole occupant of the booth hung up and came out, glaring at the ground.
As he passed her, he looked up and a half-smirk spread across his beak. "Have we, eh, met somewhere?" he asked.
"Nope," Kara answered coolly, brushing past him and closing the door of the booth.
As she reached for her spare change, she could hear him mutter, "Just saying, you look familiar." The words got quieter as he walked away. Kara frowned and decided to make it quick.
"Julia?" she said as soon as she was through. "It's me. I need to get out as fast as you can get me out. - No, I don't have time to catch up. Maybe if you left Mercury once in a while - admit it, you've never worked an honest job in your life. See you in ten."