Pilot (3/?)
"It's been two minutes and you're already the worst thing that's ever happened to me, mouse. I swear to God I am going to strangle you once I'm not using you as a hostage."
Dave wisely kept his mouth shut as he heard the sound of laser ricocheting off metal. Was that - ?
"I wouldn't get too trigger-happy, boys," he heard his captor say through her radio. "I've got a hostage in here that I'm sure you'd hate to kill…"

"...If I don't do it first," she muttered as she switched the radio off. By now, they were hovering about fifteen feet off the ground. She yanked a lever backwards and the ship shot into motion. Dave fell flat on his back. The siren sounds faded away for a second, and then came back full force as they raced to catch up with her. That was when they started going up - and not just a few more feet. She was headed straight up, and Dave realized they weren't just running to another side of the planet. They weren't even staying on Earth.
"This isn't my first rodeo, mouse," she said, punctuating each phrase with a soft swear as gunfire zipped by. "Here's what you, the hostage, need to know about me: the name's Kara, no last name, and anyone who looks like a good guy wants me dead. That's it."
Her gun was trained on him even as she steered the ship up through the far reaches of the atmosphere, which was very impressive in a bone-chilling way. He still had questions, though, most of which went like this:
- "Why don't you have a last name?"
- "Why are you running from the cops?"
- "Did you assume that kidnapping some Earth rat was going to make your beef with the cops blow over? That plan seems to be backfiring."