Pilot (6/?)
The piping that was welded into the wall scraped Dave's side as he was tossed off-balance by the turbulence. It was all Kara could to do hang on to the console. The ship was scratching the Tunnel like a phonograph needle.
"She's gonna go through!" Kara shouted to no one in particular. The prior confidence in her voice had disappeared in an instant. Dave couldn't blame her - mostly because he was busy trying not to crack a rib or two.
There was a loud crack as the scene from outside the ship turned white, then fizzled like TV static to reveal the surface of a desert.
Disoriented, Dave couldn't find the door. "I am not going to die because of you!"
"Yeah, likewise!" Kara retorted. There was the sound of shattering glass and groaning, barely-working but functional machinery as she pushed a button that said EMERGENCY ONLY. Dave's stomach dropped as the glass receded from the front of the ship and he was thrown out by the air pressure.
In free-fall, Dave wasn't sure what would kill him first - the fall or his overclocked heart. As it was, he nearly had a heart attack as someone grabbed his ankle in mid-air. He craned his neck to see Kara, now in some kind of harness, holding his shoe in a vise grip, and then his head snapped back towards the ground again as her parachute opened up.
"Mutual agreement to not die because of each other, starting now," Kara muttered as they descended.

Kara nodded. "Good - "
"Hey watch my face watch my face watch mmmph - " Dave spluttered as they landed, his face hitting the dunes first.
"What did you expect me to do, drop you?" Kara snorted.
"Maybe something a little more ceremonious." Dave grumbled.
"Sorry, I'll practice grabbing rats out of the sky beforehand next time."
Dave sighed, picked himself up, and brushed the sand off his trousers. "So, where exactly are we?"
"Gun to my head, I'd say were in a desert," Kara deadpanned. Dave glared. Kara's ship hit the ground and exploded behind them. "Okay, fine, probably the deserts in Mercury. Welcome to Mercury, by the way."