Pilot (9/?)
He had to stall. He needed time to think. Maybe he could get her talking. They were closing in on the desert hamlet (more of a desert cottage, really) far too fast.
"So what's your story? How'd it come to this?" he asked her.
He couldn't see her face, but he was sure she made a face. "We literally met today. Why the hell would I tell you?"
"I, uh. I've had a very long day and I'm trying to make sense of it all. Didn't the cops mention some kind of debt-"
"You know exactly what you need to know."
"U-understood." Damn.
Dave frantically struggled to come up with something, anything to get her talking, but nothing came. It wasn't long before they were nearing the city limits. He was running out of options. Taking the gun was looking like a better option every second, but he still had a lingering fear of being shot and killed in the struggle.
Dave's heart beat in his chest like a convict in a cell.
Now or never.
He whirled around as fast as he could. Kara squeezed the trigger. The shot grazed Dave's side - hardly the lethal shot Kara intended, but a patch of black fur blackened further by the energy bolt fell to the ground. Undeterred, Daves paw closed around the gun and the next shot went wide.
But before he could do anything else, Kara's elbow smashed into his nose and he lost his grip on the gun. No longer disadvantaged by the element of surprise, Kara made a fist with her free hand and drove it into Dave's gut.

Dave tumbled backwards. When he regained his senses, he propped himself on his elbows to see a very scary-looking Kara.
"Didn't think you had it in you," she muttered, gun trained on him just like it had when they'd first met a few hours ago.
"What are you gonna do to me?" Dave managed, in a voice tight with fear.
She frowned. "I should kill you." She wasn't looking at him, but past him. "Letting you live wouldn't lighten my sentence. And I don't want you running to the cops. Hell, a shot to your chest would have finished you just now."
Dave didn't move. His glasses were askew on his face. He wanted to fix them. It wouldn't matter if he died, though.
"...woulda vaporized you," she was saying. "Or else you woulda died here in the desert."
Dave's heart wouldn't get out of his throat.
"Yeah, I probably should," Kara mused, and extended her arm, pointing the gun perfectly straight.
She pulled the trigger.